Monday, January 14, 2008

So the votes are in!

Most of you know that I took a vote recently. I had been thinking for a little while that it was time for some change in the hair department. As I continued to go through old photos and organize them (an attempt at #31 on my 101 in 1001 list) I realized that I have had a pattern here for a while. For the past 6 years, I have been growing out my hair. Or have I? About the time it gets to the bottom of my shoulder blades (at the longest), I get tired of the in-between stage and need to do SOMETHING to play with it. So I get a bunch of layers cut in it and bring up to about 3 inches or so below the shoulders. Then I "grow it out" again. And I've convinced myself I did something different.

As I went through the pictures and realized that what this resulted in is the EXACT SAME HAIR CUT for 6 years, that's when I also saw Katie Holmes new hair cut.

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I thought it was adorable. And the spread on the inside showed it in several more ways and it got my little bean going. So I put the vote up on my Myspace and let the results roll in. The end vote was.....

10 to 5 in favor of cutting!

Well, actually, it was 10.5 to 5.5 because my friend Patrick wanted me to only cut half of it. I ruled that one out pretty quickly - a little TOO change-y for me. So here are the before and afters (keep in mind that the "after" shot was taken by my mac laptop so it's not the best quality - and the black and white thing on the side is my dog trying to get in on the photo action).


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And after....

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So what do you think?


Fortune said...

I think it looks 100 time better on you then on Katie Holmes (Cruise?). I think she looks stupid with that haircut (thats why I didn't vote). But I think you look super cute.

Anonymous said...

Looks good!

Anonymous said...

B.E.A.utiful!!! Glad you did it! Looks great!!